Washington DC

On May 22-23, 2023, over 100 lymphedema advocates with the Lymphedema Advocacy Group gathered in Washington DC to celebrate the passage of the Lymphedema Treatment Act (LTA).  Among the advocates who attended this event were LLN members Debbie & Clint Labarthe, and their grandson, Carson Sollenberger, a primary congenital lymphedema patient, seen here with Heather Ferguson, Founder/Director of Lymphedema Advocacy Group.

Representing 23 states and DC, the advocates celebrated this historic event and hosted a Congressional Awards Ceremony in the Capitol Building to recognize the current and former congressional members who were instrumental in the passage of the LTA.  

The LTA was first introduced into Congress on 3/23/2010 so it has taken 12 years and 10 months -- and 7 Congresses – to get this legislation across the Finish Line!  The LTA was passed by Congress on 12/23/22 and will go into effect on 1/1/2024, finally closing the coverage gap in the Medicare law as it pertains to doctor-prescribed compression supplies for lymphedema patients.  

The LLN recognizes and appreciates the dedication and perseverance of the maIMG 6474 Debbie presenting plaque to Congressman Buddy Carter on May 23ny advocates across the U.S. who have pushed for this legislation for so long and in so many ways:  lobbying trips to DC to meet with and educate congressional members about lymphedema and the need for this legislation, sending letters, sharing their personal stories, making phone calls, sending emails, attending Zoom meetings, district Town Hall meetings, and Tele-Town Hall sessions.  Your voices truly made a difference -- and will have a positive, life-changing impact on so many lives!  THANK YOU!

 ~ From LLN Board Secretary, Debbie Labarthe, shown presenting a Plaque of Appreciation to Congressman Buddy Carter (GA-01), the co-lead sponsor of the LTA

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The Lighthouse Lymphedema Network is a 501 (C) (3) organization of individuals who are lymphedema patients, or who have an interest in lymphedema.
5290 Matt Hwy
Suite 502-135
Cumming, GA  30028

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