Acupuncture with Lymphedema presented by Beverley De Valois, PhD, LicAc, FBAcC
Dr. de Valois has studied uses of acupuncture for many years. She has treated cancer survivors and lymphedema patients, and found improvements in quality of life outlook, pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and sleep issues. Some patients have discovered new energy and improved their self-care after acupuncture treatment.
The use of needles in a limb affected by lymphedema is a controversial topic. Dr. de Valois explained that the needles used in acupuncture are very fine, and she has seen only a low occurrence of mild adverse events, like minor bruising, bleeding, pain, tiredness, and one allergy to the moxibustion smoke sometimes used to heat the needles. She typically avoids using acupuncture in areas of the body known to be affected by lymphedema, finding positive effects can be achieved by applying the needles in other areas. Her philosophy is to ‘treat the root’ of a health issue ‘rather than the manifestation.’
Dr. deValois’ book, Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship: Recovery, Renewal and Transformation will be published this summer.